Alpengard: Tales and Adventurers

The Alpengard keybook sets you up for gaming success! Whether you are a gamemaster or player (or both), this book thoroughly describes the core Alpengard system—not only the nitty-gritty statistics, but building and customizing tales (stories) and adventurers (characters). It also describes the Alpengard cosmos and philosophies, as well as provides you the primary campaign-world setting, along with an introductory adventure.

For players who are generating player characters (PCs) and gamemasters who are creating non-player characters (NPCs):

  • Choose from five mortal folks with diverse kindreds.
  • Follow one of five vocational kalls offering versatile pathways.
  • Bear trusty armaments and wield wondrous magic.
  • Use d30s, d20s, d12s, d10s, d8s, d6s and d4s to execute rolls and statistics.
  • Travel through the World of the Stonemeres or forge your own legendary world!

Alpengard: Creatures and Origins

The Alpengard foebook provides you a horde of monsters, including explanations of their origins and roles in the Alpengard cosmos. From the familiar to the peculiar, these creatures will help you create thrilling tales.

All Will Be Welcomed…

All Will Be Challenged!

Alpengard is built on the belief that all human beings have intrinsic value (again, that means you!)—and there is nothing philosophically neutral about this view. On the contrary, the quaint notion that human lives are valuable has profound implications, for such worth must be founded on something rationally and morally valid. The nature of that foundation is open for discussion, and Alpengard presents a wide variety of beliefs for your thoughtful consideration.